Media and Games Invest plc announced that the company is looking forward to 2021 with a strong pipeline of substantial content updates for games portfolio as well as additional launches of newly licensed games combined with executing further M&A growth. There are especially two mobile game launches that the company is planning for the first half year of 2021. "Golf Champions - Swing of Glory": MGI's gaming segment consolidated under the roof of gamigo has acquired the worldwide development and publishing rights of the mobile game "Golf Champions - Swing of Glory" from top Canadian developer Behavior Interactive (among others also the developer of Dead by Daylight). Golf Champions is a competitive, free-to-play mobile game in which players compete in leagues. Players unlock different golf characters and can improve their skills as they compete against each other. In the end, the best golfers will meet in the strongest league. The monetization is based on in-game item sales and in-game advertising, in close cooperation with MGI's Media Unit. "Heroes of Twilight": gamigo has also acquired the worldwide licensing rights for the mobile game "Heroes of Twilight". The competitive and turn-based role-play game is characterized by a dynamic day and night change, which means that the characters and the game environment can change unexpectedly at any time. The free-to-play game is the sequel to the multiple award-winning Little Lords of Twilight and thus has a strong existing fanbase.