Vection Technologies Ltd. announced the execution of agreements to develop a healthcare training focussed customised version of FrameS with dental technician expert D&D (Virtual Classroom Agreement). The Virtual Classroom Agreement is initially valued at AUD 500,000, this work will commence by March 2020 and be completed in various stages during 2020. This customisation has the potential to generate recurring SaaS revenues from a significant new market. Highlights: Vection to develop FrameS Dental for initial consideration of AUD 500,000; FrameS Dental to address dentistry and dental laboratory skill formation, training and simulation; FrameS Dental represents the first strategic step of an overarching healthcare focused strategy; Global Virtual Reality healthcare market to reach USD 30.4 billion by 2026; and Dentists market represented by over 1 million dentists globally, including over 340,000 dentists across Europe and circa 200,000 dentists across the United States of America.FrameS Dental: Platform Introduction: Vection has been engaged by D&D to customise its Virtual Reality platform, FrameS, to address the growing dental training and simulation market (FrameS Dental). Subject to conditions precedent, D&D plans to use FrameS Dental to provide dentistry and dental laboratory skill formation, training and simulation within the immersive FrameS virtual reality environment. FrameS Dental is a Virtual Reality platform composed of multiple modules, specifically built to address a broad range of procedures and treatments. Each module will address specific treatments, procedures or courses such as root canal work, dental implantology and many more. The initial deployment of FrameS Dental, inclusive of its first modules, is expected late second quarter /early third quarter 2020, followed by the integration of new and more comprehensive modules during the rest of the 2020 calendar year. FrameS Dental will enable: Simulation-based training for surgical dental implantology procedures such as gum incision, bone drilling, dental implant, etc.; Simulation-based training for surgical dental extraction procedures; Simulation-based training for dental scaling procedures; Simulation-based training for common dental care procedures; Training and visualisation of common pathologies such as dental cavities and periodontal diseases on ultra-realistic reproductions of dental arches obtained from CT scans. In addition to the FrameS Dental software, Vection will supply to D&D Virtual Reality specific hardware for the virtual classroom for a total of 60 VR workstations. At each workstation, equipped with VR equipment, students and professionals alike will utilise FrameS Dental to learn and conduct simulation-based training prior to conducting dental procedures in real-life. Virtual Reality simulations enable: increased patient safety; reduced healthcare expenditure; enhanced clinician performance; high graphic accuracy; and realistic sensation and feeling of objects and materials within the simulated environment.