Uscom Limited notified the market that Uscom China has recently received five new software copyrights covering the core performance and function of the Uscom BP+ central BP monitor. These approvals consolidate Uscom's IP strategy in China taking the current accepted and submitted patents, copyrights and trademarks in China to 42. Hypertension is the leading modifiable risk factor for cardiovascular disease and death and occurs in approximately 1/3 of all Chinese adults and is associated with a with a 4 times incidence of cardiovascular disease and mortality. In China less than 50% of hypertensive patients are treated, and of these less than 30% have effective BP control, with an overall control rate of 4.2%. The new BP+ suprasystolic oscillometric technology allows for more precise monitoring of the blood pressure in the arms and in the heart, resulting in improved therapy and outcomes, and is an important advancement for both Uscom and hypertensive and vascular care in China. The NMPA approved the sale of BP+ in April 2021.