Ultra Lithium Inc. announced it has received a default notice from Power Minerals Limited for the full repayment of amounts outstanding under a convertible loan agreement between the two companies. The Company and Power Minerals entered into the CLA on May 12, 2023. Under the CLA, Power Minerals advanced an interest-bearing loan of AUD 1.13 million to the Company.

On October 25, 2023 the Company pre-paid the sum of AUD 150,000 to Power Minerals. The July 16, 2024 Default Notice demands repayment by the Company of the full outstanding balance under the CLA in the amount of AUD 1,102,542 within 10 business days of receipt of the Default Notice. If the Company is unable to make the payment in a timely manner, Power Minerals has stated it intends to enforce its rights under security granted by the Company to Power Minerals.

The Company entered into a general security agreement and a share pledge agreement with Power Minerals as security for amounts outstanding under the CLA.