u-blox introduced its popular NEO, MAX and LEA GNSS modules in u-blox' next-generation, multi-constellation positioning platform u--blox M8. The new module series satisfy a wide range of requirements by providing a scalable range of features including antenna management, integrated filters, data logging, crystal or TXCO, and rich set of interfaces. They can acquire and track all visible GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou, QZSS and SBAS satellites and can track any two GNSS systems simultaneously for increased reliability, accuracy and faster acquisition time.

u-blox' online Assisted-GNSS service, AssistNow, has also been radically improved to support an unbeatable level of global positioning performance. The free service is available in online and offline versions and supports both assisted GPS and GLONASS. The NEO-M8, MAX-M8 and LEA-M8 modules provide cutting edge positioning performance and -167 dBm tracking sensitivity for a wide range of applications including vehicle and asset tracking, eCall /ERA-GLONASS emergency call systems, vehicle telematics for insurance, road pricing and anti-theft devices, navigation, security, and point-of-sales terminals.

First samples and evaluation kits for u-blox M8 modules are available for customer evaluation.