Turnium Technology Group Inc. announced that Netview Consulting Inc. has deployed Turnium to improve access to community-based services in 30 remote communities spread across Northern Ontario. Netview deployed Turnium to combine multiple landline, wireless, or Starlink satellite connections at community-based locations. This solution enables a community-based organization to support its stakeholders and overcome challenges posted by the vast area of Northern Ontario, the distance, and the quality of available connectivity solutions.

Obtaining usable connections at each location was a considerable issue, as often only dial-up speeds of 100 kilobits per second speed were available. Such extremely low speed access made it impossible to use cloud-based applications, video conferencing, or deploy IP-based telephone services. This project delivers good network performance and enables support for future applications by aggregating broadband services, satellite internet, and fiber connections at larger locations.

To deliver a single, cohesive network, Turnium SD-WAN is used to connect all offices and provide visibility and control. Turnium is an independent software developer and vendor that has been building software- defined wide-area networking software since 2012. Turnium software can be hosted, deployed, managed, branded, and bundled into integrated solutions by its channel partners to enhance the customer experience of the internet and their hosted, managed services.

Turnium is also available for resale as a Turnium-branded managed service.