TSO3 Inc. announced that, in a joint effort to increase sales to end users and optimize the customer experience, it has entered into a new agreement with Getinge Infection Control AB. The Sales and Repurchase Agreement allows the company to sell its STERIZONE® VP4 Sterilizers and associated products and services directly into the United States and Canada and repurchase not less than 100 STERIZONE® VP4 sterilizers for $3.3 million, with an initial order of 30 units. Getinge will continue to sell its inventory in North America and the rest of the world and the parties have agreed to a customer selection mechanism to prevent the likelihood of channel conflict. The Parties have also agreed to begin immediate negotiations on additional modifications to the distribution relationship with the objective of further increasing the speed, flexibility and effectiveness of the relationship. The Sales and Repurchase Agreement and the Exclusive distribution Agreement signed between the Parties on November 25, 2015, will terminate on August 1, 2018 unless extended by mutual agreement. If agreement between the parties is not reached, TSO3 has agreed, by July 1, 2019, to repurchase Getinge's remaining STERIZONE® VP4 Sterilizers at the same unit price in the Sales and Repurchase Agreement.