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Trony Solar Holdings Company Limited

創 益 太 陽 能 控 股 有 限 公 司

(Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability)


The board (the "Board") of directors (the "Directors") of Trony Solar Holdings Company Limited (the "Company", together with its subsidiaries, the "Group") announces that Mr. Liu Bin ("Mr. Liu") has been appointed as an executive Director and a member of the independent review committee of the Company with effect from 4 January 2017.

Set out below is the biographical information of Mr. Liu.

Mr. Liu, aged 48, graduated from Shenzhen University majored in applied mathematics. Mr. Liu joined the Group in 2011 as the Deputy General Manager of Trony Solar Corporation (深圳市創 益科技發展有限公司), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company. Mr. Liu has more than 15 years of experience in production management as well as intensive experience in overseas factory inspection in respect of quality, human rights and anti-terrorism. Mr. Liu did not hold any directorship in listed companies during the past three years.

There is no service contract entered into between the Company and Mr. Liu. However, he is subject to retirement and re-election at the next following annual general meeting of the Company after his appointment and thereafter subject to retirement by rotation and re-election at least once in every three years in accordance with the articles of association of the Company. Mr. Liu is entitled to a director's remuneration of HK$500,000 per annum which is determined by the Board with reference to the recommendation of the remuneration committee of the Company based on his qualifications, experience and duties and responsibilities in the Company.

Mr. Liu does not have any relationship with any Directors, senior management, substantial or controlling shareholders of the Company. Mr. Liu is interested in the share options of the Company exercisable into 50,000 shares of the Company within the meaning of Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Chapter 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong) as at the date of this announcement.

Save as disclosed above, neither there is any further information required to be disclosed pursuant to the requirements under Rule 13.51(2)(h) to (v) of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited nor there is any other matter relating to the appointment of Mr. Liu that needs to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the Company.

The Board would like to express its welcome to Mr. Liu for joining the Board.


At the request of the Company, trading in the shares of the Company on the Stock Exchange was suspended from 9:00 a.m. on 21 June 2012 and will remain suspended until further notice.

By Order of the Board

Trony Solar Holdings Company Limited Yu Ying

Executive Director

Hong Kong, 4 January 2017

As at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises two executive Directors, namely Ms. Yu Ying and Mr. Liu Bin, and two independent non-executive Directors, namely Mr. Zhang Xuehu and Ms. Chow Wai Fong.

Trony Solar Holdings Co. Ltd. published this content on 04 January 2017 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein.
Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 04 January 2017 12:22:04 UTC.

Original documenthttp://www.trony.com/attachment/2017010420170100002700606_en.pdf

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