TransGlobe Energy Corp. provided a mid-quarter production and operations update for the first quarter of 2012. January average production of 17,010 barrels of oil per day (Bopd), 41% higher than fourth quarter of 2011 and 40% higher than 2011 average production. Egypt production of 16,600 Bopd in January (12,130 Bopd West Gharib and 4,470 Bopd West Bakr). Yemen production to 410 Bopd in January (410 Bopd Block 32 and Block S-1 shut-in). Two drilling rigs currently working on West Gharib leases in Egypt. Production increases in January are attributed to improved water separation in the field and to new wells. The Company commissioned a new multi-well battery in the Arta field during the second week of December, which has improved water separation in the field and increased oil sales. The Company continues to progress a number of projects to reduce the amount of water trucked with the oil and to increase tankage/processing capacity allocations at the GPC terminal. It is estimated that approximately 500 Bopd remains curtailed in January.