TranscendInformation, Inc. (Transcend),
a leading manufacturer of industrial-grade products, announced it will beattending Integrated Systems Europe (ISE) 2014, which will take place at theAmsterdam RAI Exhibition and Convention Centre in Amsterdam, the Netherlands,4-6 February. Throughout the exhibition, Transcend will display a wide range ofindustrial-grade products from SSDs to memory modules, specifically designedfor diverse industrial applications. Transcend's booth will be located at standnumber 8-F220.

DedicatedProducts to Satisfy Various Industrial Applications
Participating at ISE for the first time this year, Transcend is proud todisplay a comprehensive and advanced industrial-grade product portfolio,including 2.5" SATA SSDs, flash cards, flash modules, memory modules, and mSATAand half-slim SATA SSDs. Engineered for long life and maximum durability,Transcend's industrial products undergo extensive reliability testing and offerextended temperature solutions to ensure peak operation under harshenvironmental conditions.

LiveDemo: Advanced Power Shield & SSD Scope Pro Software
Aside from its extensive product displays, Transcend will be conducting anon-site demonstration of Advanced Power Shield technology using its SATA SSD.The demonstration will highlight the ultimate reliability and stability ofTranscend solid state drives by testing their ability to endure sudden powerfluctuations and blackouts. Transcend will also demonstrate the usage of SSDScope Pro - an advanced software application that makes it easier than ever tomaintain a healthy and efficient SSD. SSD Scope Pro brings together the latesttechnology in determining the condition and optimizing performance of aTranscend SSD, including S.M.A.R.T. and TRIM support, into a singleuser-friendly tool.

Toexpand market penetration, Transcend has been actively participating atworldwide industrial-grade expositions, such as Embedded World (DE), ICETotally Gaming (UK), ESC (US), Global Gaming Expo (US), Japan Embedded SystemsExpo (ESEC), and more.

About ISE
The world's best-attended tradeshow for the professional AV and electronicsystems industry, ISE was launched in 2004 to fulfill the need for apan-European forum for the emerging markets of professional AV and electronicsystems integration. The show grew quickly to become the undisputed annualmarketplace for these industries - a focus not only for doing business but alsofor networking, education and technological

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