Rovi Corporation announced the availability of new predictive analytics products that enables the use of audience segmentation in managing advanced advertising campaigns and targeting on-air promotions. The new Rovi Audience Management Solution products - Ad Optimizer and Promotion Optimizer - use proprietary algorithms to analyze a wide variety of consumer and behavioral data, enabling broadcast networks, cable TV operators, service providers and others in the television distribution industry to create highly targeted audience segments and optimize value of their audience or media to reach their revenue goals. Rovi Ad Optimizer is targeted at helping TV networks and multichannel video programming distributors (MVPD) uncover more value from their audiences, maximize ad revenue, increase the effectiveness of their ad inventory, and deliver results to the scale that is required to meet advertising campaign goals.

The product combines advanced ad campaign management and media planning functionality into one platform, and features the ability to manage campaigns based on factors such as delivery goals, budget, viewing history and audience demographics. Rovi's solution is designed to analyze past viewer behaviors and current campaign results to increase the value and performance of ad inventory across linear, VOD and TVE platforms. The Ad Optimizer has been built from the ground up and can work with most widely used programmatic ad scheduling and management systems and can be easily managed through a browser-based dashboard. The Ad Optimizer is currently in field trials with a programmatic video ad exchange and is expected to be widely available in North America later this quarter.

Rovi Promotion Optimizer, based on the same platform and predictive analytics capabilities as the Ad Optimizer, provides television networks with advanced campaign management and media planning functionality for building and executing audience-based media plans. By using past viewing data and using multiple sources of viewership data from set-top boxes, Promotion Optimizer enables television networks to create plans for on-air promotions that are targeted to rich audience segments. As well as creating optimized plans for individual shows, Rovi's Promotion Optimizer can also perform yield management across multiple campaigns, helping television networks to use their inventory more effectively.

Rovi Promotion Optimizer is also in field trials with a major North America tier one broadcast TV network. Rovi plans to demonstrate the Ad and Promotion Optimizer Solutions for industry executives in a private suite at Caesars Palace during the CES tradeshow in Las Vegas, January 7-10.