ThreeSixty Five Public Company Limited announced that at the Board of Directors' Meeting held on January 26, 2018, approved Mr. Julpas Kruesopon has resigned from the position of CEO, therefore, such meeting of the Board resolved to appoint Mr. Wiroj Wachiradechkul as the new CEO effective February 01, 2018 onwards. Mr. Aran Apichari has been appointed as Acting Chie Executive Officer between 26 and 31 January 2018. Mr. Pranontha Titavunno resign from the Company's director, the Meeting the resolved to appoint Mr. Tassapon Bijleveld as the new director in replace of him, as the Independent Director, and will hold only for the remainder o term of office of such resigned director.

The Meeting resolved to appoint Mr. Tass sapon Bijlev as the Chairman of the Board and Mr. Aran Apicha as the Vice Chairman of the Board.