Supergenics Berhad announced the Appointment of MISS LAU MENG HONG, age 45 as Executive Director. Date of change is on December 08, 2023. Qualifications: Degree: Bachelor of Law in University of Melbourne, Australia; Degree: Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) in University of Melbourne, Australia.

Working experience and occupation: Ms. Lau Meng Hong (Ms. Lau) commences her legal career at M/S McGrath Carey Katz in Melbourne, Australia, Ms. Lau refines her expertise in various aspects of corporate law and conveyancing during her formative years. Progressing from these foundational experiences, her professional journey gained momentum at M/S Adnan, Sundra & Low, where she made valuable contributions. The pinnacle of her career materialised when she rose to the esteemed position of Partner at M/S Gan, Lau & Associates.

In this influential role, she played a central part in shaping the firm's trajectory, concentrating on delivering strategic legal solutions to a diverse corporate clientele. Simultaneously, she served as an external legal consultant for the Leong Hup Group of Companies. Continuing her illustrious journey, Ms. Lau assumed the role of Legal Advisor at Kendo Trading Pte Ltd. (Singapore).

Her strategic insights and legal counsel significantly bolstered the company's success in navigating intricate legal landscapes while accomplishing its business objectives. Currently, Ms. Lau holds the position of Director for several prominent companies, including Fokus Bonanza Sdn Bhd, Wangsa Premium Sdn Bhd, Qiang Yuan (M) Sdn. Bhd., Supergenics Therapeutic Sdn.

Bhd, and Mindtell Technology Limited. Her involvement across these diverse entities underscores her ability to provide strategic direction and governance across a spectrum of industries.