The Board of Directors of Superactive Company Limited announce that Mr. Leung Man Man has been appointed as an Independent Non-Executive Director, the member of each of the Audit and Risk Committee ("AC"), Remuneration Committee ("RC") and Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee ("NC") of the Company with effect from 17 April 2019. Mr. Leung, aged 51, Mr. Leung is currently a practising solicitor in Hong Kong and China-Appointed Attesting Officer. The Board also announces that Mr. Chiu Sze Wai Wilfred ("Mr. Chiu") will retire as an independent non-executive Director pursuant to Bye-law 84 of the Company's Bye-Law at the conclusion of 2019 annual general meeting of the Company ("2019 AGM"). Mr. Chiu has informed the Company that he will not stand for re-election due to his other business commitments. Mr. Chiu will also cease to the member of each of the AC, RC and NC at the conclusion of the 2019 AGM.