STW Resources Holding provides an update on the drilling of its Ft. Stockton project and announced its plans for expansion of the STW Water Process & Technologies subsidiary. The first major project for growth is the Capitan Reef Water Aquifer development project with the city of Ft.

Stockton, Texas. STW has begun drilling its first development well which is now below 2,000 feet and more than halfway to the aquifer. The drill is expected to hit the aquifer within the next two weeks.

The second area of expected growth will come from STW's exclusive licensing agreement with Salttech, BV. Salttech has created the most efficient Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) water processing technology that can recover up to 97% clean water from any saline laden water containing dissolved salts and other solids and contaminants of up to and over 300,000 parts per million including frack flowback, oilfield produced water, and ocean water and its reverse osmosis concentrated brine reject. The remaining 3+% is discharged in the form of solid salts and minerals, thus no discharge or disposal problems. Most ocean water desalination systems produce 35% to 45% fresh water and 55% to 65% of highly concentrated brine concentrate liquid that ends up being discharged into the local waterways and oceans potentially creating harmful effects on the ecosystems. The third project is in Upton County, Texas to drill into the Santa Rosa brackish aquifer and process the water for delivery to oil producers who will either pick up the water at water station or pipe it directly to their fresh water ponds for use in their drilling and fracking operations.