Stem, Inc. announced that it has entered into a Co-Marketing Agreement with ENGIE North America for the development of an offering to enable broad adoption of eMobility solutions throughout the United States for schools, transit agencies, and commercial fleets. The offering, now in pilot development, will combine Stem's smart energy storage software, Athena®, and storage hardware with ENGIE's turnkey solution that includes all aspects of eMobility planning, design, and implementation - covering vehicles, charging infrastructure, energy management, on-site energy generation, and storage. Athena will integrate with ENGIE's electric vehicle (EV) charging solution and help to manage the charging needs of each ENGIE customer.

The combined offering will streamline the design, procurement, installation, and operational process and provide technical support for customers looking for an interoperable solution. With AI-driven algorithms, Athena will operate the grid services, demand charge, demand response, utility bill optimization, and smart energy storage of customers' facilities and charging infrastructure. ENGIE and Stem will support customers to help navigate complexities of EV incentives and grants while providing services that include economic modeling & analysis, system design, tariff assessment, and utility cost optimization.