Bernhard Burgener new Chair of Constantin Film AG Supervisory Board

Martin Moszkowicz new Chair of Constantin Film AG Executive Board

Fred Kogel remains advisor for television product and licensing for Constantin Film AG

Bernhard Burgener, who, alongside his function as Chairman of the Executive Board of Constantin Medien AG, has also been Chairman of the Executive Board of Constantin Film AG since January 1, 2009, moved to the Supervisory Board of Constantin Film AG on January 1, 2014 and was elected Chair of the Supervisory Board on January 7, 2014. Constantin Film AG is a 100-percent subsidiary of Highlight Communications AG, 52.39 percent of which is held by Constantin Medien AG.

Fred Kogel, the current Chairman of the Supervisory Board, whose contract would have ended with the Annual General Meeting 2014, has stepped down ahead of time in agreement with the Supervisory Board. Bernhard Burgener thanks Fred Kogel for his successful tenure at the helm of the Constantin Film AG Supervisory Board, and is pleased that Fred Kogel is staying with the company as part of a consultancy agreement in effect since 2009. Fred Kogel will focus on television product and licensing.

The Constantin Film AG Supervisory Board appointed the current Executive Board member responsible for Film and Television - Martin Moszkowicz - as Chairman of the Executive Board, effective January 1, 2014.

Martin Moszkowicz has been an executive at Constantin since 1990 - first as producer and General Manager, then as Member of the Board responsible for Film and Television since the firm went public in 1999. He has produced, co-produced or execproduced over 150 feature films and countless TV movies. Along with the Chair of the Board, he will take over Film and TV Production, including TV Entertainment, Sales & Acquisitions, Marketing & Press, Corporate Communications and Legal departments.

Martin Moszkowicz has signed a new contract, which runs until December 31, 2018.


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