Regulatory News:

Sperian Protection (Paris:SPR) is pleased to announce that Nacre, its Norwegian subsidiary, has received contracts for the supply of the QUIETPRO® Intelligent Hearing System, totalling approximately $4.3 million (USD).

A contract to support US Marine Corps Tactical Air Control Parties (TACP) represents the significant part of the received orders. This new user group has purchased the QUIETPRO® as part of their tactical radio program.

Henri-Dominique Petit, Sperian Protection's Chaiman and CEO commented : ?This is a key endorsement of the QUIETPRO® by the US Marine Corps. This selection by the TACPs has been made based on the experience and in-service use of the QUIETPRO® by the US Marine Corps, currently the largest single user of the system.?

MSgt Steven Oatridge, Marine Corps Systems Command Team Tactical Communications stated ?The US Marine Corps selected the QUIETPRO® for the TACPs as it delivers the high level of hearing protection and communication intelligibility performance required by the TACP community?.

Further additional orders have been received from the French Special Forces and the Royal Netherlands Armed Forces, these both resulted from rigorous field based assessment and evaluation programmes.

About Sperian Protection

With more than 6000 employees worldwide, Sperian Protection is resolutely geared towards international markets.

The world leader in personal protective equipment (hearing, eye, respiratory and fall protection, gloves, clothing and footwear), the Group offers innovative products adapted to high-risk environments so that workers in the manufacturing and services industries can work with confidence.

Sperian Protection is listed on Euronext's Eurolist and on the SBF120. It is eligible for the SRD deferred settlement system.

Sperian Protection
Investor relations
Véronique Boca
Tel: +33 (0)1 49 90 79 74
Press relations
Christophe Mathy
Tel: +33 (0)1 49 90 79 72