Corporate News
News at Sonix

Sonix Technology Monthly Sales Report - May, 2014
Hsinchu, Taiwan, June 6th, 2014 - Sonix Technology Co. Ltd., 
(Sonix, TAIEX: 5471) today announced the consolidated net
sales of May 2014. The revenue of May was NT$344 million,
representing a decrease of -0.2% compared with the same
period of last year. The figures of year over year comparison are as follow:

The net sales of May 2014:       (*Unit: Thousand NT$) 
Period           *2014           2013        YoY Increase
May               344,416      345,169        -0.2%        
Jan.~ May.      1,486,073    1,424,359   4.3%

*The sales figures of 2014 are consolidated base and have not been audited yet. 


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