Corporate News
News at Sonix

Sonix Technology Monthly Sales Report - December, 2012

Hsinchu, Taiwan, January 4th, 2013 -Sonix Technology Co. 
Ltd., (Sonix, TAIEX: 5471) announced net sales of NT$2.33 
million for December 2012, representing an increase of 
14.35% compared with the same period of last year. For the 
period of January to December 2012 accumulated net sales 
totaled NT$ 3,321 million, dropped slightly by 1.83% from 
NT$ 3,383 million last year. 

The net sales of December 2012:       (*Unit: Thousand NT$)
Period           *2012           2011         YoY Increase
December          233,122           203,867         14.35%      
Jan.~Dec.,      3,321,322         3,383,222       -1.83%  

*The sales figures of 2012 have not been audited yet. 


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