Certain Ordinary Shares of Sonali Life Insurance Company Limited are subject to a Lock-Up Agreement Ending on 30-JUN-2024. These Ordinary Shares will be under lockup for 1096 days starting from 30-JUN-2021 to 30-JUN-2024.

Ordinary shares of the issuer, at the time of according consent to the public issue, shall be subject to lock-in, from the first trading day at the exchange in the following manner:
(a) shares held by sponsors, directors and shareholders holding 10% (ten percent) or more, for 03 (three) years;
(b) in case, any existing sponsor or director of the issuer transfers any share to any person, those transferred shares, for 03 (three) years;
(c) shares allotted to any person, before 4 (four) years or more of according consent to the public
issue, other than the persons mentioned in clause (a) and (b), for 01 (one) year;
(d) shares held by alternative investment funds, for 01 (one) year; and
(e) shares held by any person, other than the shares mentioned in clause (a), (b), (c) and (d) above, for 02 (two) years: