Snipp Interactive Inc. announced it has secured contracts last week valued at over USD 1,300,000 in total. Two of these new contracts were for multinational brands in the pet care industry and valued at just over USD 500,000 each. One of the contract’s (“Promotion Contract”) will use the Company’s proprietary SnippCheck receipt processing technology to enable a pet care rebate program based on customers who successfully submit their receipts for qualifying rewards. This Promotion Contract is signed with a Fortune 100 multinational company with over USD 37 billion in annual sales. The other contract (“Loyalty Contract”) will use the company’s proprietary SnippLoyalty platform for a long-term loyalty program focused on customers who make qualifying purchases and other actions that will enable the brand to collect useful behavioral data on their customers. This Loyalty Contract is signed with a Fortune 500 multinational company with over USD 6 billion in sales. Previously Snipp ran only the receipt processing component of the program with the loyalty component run by a large multinational agency’s loyalty division. Given the superiority of the SnippLoyalty platform the client decided to award the new contract to Snipp for the full solution.