Cicero Inc. announced that First Tennessee Bank has deployed Cicero XM to deliver Smart Desktops to their customer service representatives to improve employee productivity and further enhance the customer experience. Cicero XM was selected as an enterprise IT solution because it allows the bank to plug existing applications and services into a desktop service bus without modifying any of the data sources. This enables the sharing of data across applications, allows for the creation of cross-application workflow and business rules, and feeds data to new composite views shaped toward the type of interaction being handled.

In addition, First Tennessee Bank is deploying Cicero to Integrate several in house and 3rd party applications (deposits, credit cards, etc.) from disparate platforms. Develop composite screens to provide a 360deg customer view. Deliver single sign on and stay signed on functionality. Create workflows and automated processes for many manual procedures.

Provide guidance for employees to assist in complex transactions. Capture business events and milestones for reporting.