Certain A Shares of Shaanxi Coal Industry Company Limited are subject to a Lock-Up Agreement Ending on 19-JAN-2017. These A Shares will be under lockup for 1095 days starting from 20-JAN-2014 to 19-JAN-2017. Details: Holding stockholder Shaanxi Coal and Chemical Industry Group Co., Ltd. and shareholders Mianyang Technology Property Investment Fund (Limited Partnership), China Cinda Asset Management Co., Ltd., Shaanxi Yellow River Mining (Group) Co., Ltd. committed not to transfer nor entrust to a third party the shares directly and indirectly held in the company prior to the company’s initial public offering of A-shares, nor allow the company to repurchase the said shares within 36 months from the listing date. Other shareholders of the company namely, China Three Gorges Corporation, Huaneng International Power Development Corporation, Shaanxi Non-ferrous Metals Holding Group Co., Ltd., Shaanxi Blower (Group) Co., Ltd. committed not to transfer nor entrust to a third party the shares directly and indirectly held in the company prior to the company’s initial public offering of A-shares, nor allow the company to repurchase the said shares within 12 months from the listing date. Holding stockholder Shaanxi Coal and Chemical Industry Group Co., Ltd. committed, within 6 months after the company is listed, if the closing price of the company stocks falls below the initial public offering issue price for 20 consecutive trading days or the closing price falls below the initial public offering issue price at the end of the period of 6 months after the company is listed, the lock-up period for the company’s stocks held by Shaanxi Coal and Chemical Industry Group Co., Ltd. shall be automatically extended for 6 months based on the original lock-up period.