scPharmaceuticals Inc. announced it has signed a development agreement with West Pharmaceutical Services, Inc. (West) to incorporate West's SmartDose® Drug Delivery System with FUROSCIX. FUROSCIX is scPharmaceuticals' lead program for the treatment of edema in patients with heart failure. Based on the Company's interactions with the FDA since June 2018, including the previously disclosed clarifications on additional human factors and validation studies necessary to advance FUROSCIX using the existing delivery technology, scPharmaceuticals elected to expedite the advancement of a next-generation on-body delivery system with a pre-filled cartridge.

The development agreement with West represents an important milestone in advancing the FUROSCIX program. scPharmaceuticals recently completed preliminary feasibility studies on the West SmartDose drug delivery system, confirming its ability to successfully deliver FUROSCIX. scPharmaceuticals' feasibility testing included drug stability in the pre-filled cartridge, drug compatibility, and overall performance within FUROSCIX delivery specifications.

The West SmartDose drug delivery system, previously approved by the FDA for use in the with another combination product, allows patients to self-administer medication in accordance with their prescribed treatment. West developed this wearable technology with extensive human factors testing and analysis to understand the interaction between the patient and the delivery system. The SmartDose drug delivery system adheres to the patient's body enabling the patient to be hands free during administration.