Saramanis Limited announced consolidated earnings results for six months ended June 30, 2018. For the period, the company reported revenues of $13,048, loss before income tax of $326,297, loss for the period of $323,450, or $0.12 basic and diluted per share, net cash used in operation of $736,210 compared to the revenues of $666,380, loss before income tax of $795,184, loss for the period of $795,184, or $0.03 basic and diluted per share, net cash used in operation of $181,347 for the same period a year ago. Net loss attributable to members of the parent entity was $322,746 against $775,564 for the same period a year ago. Payments for property, plant and equipment were $115,638 against $29,979 for the same period a year ago.