HD Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering (KSOE), which supervises HD Hyundai?s shipyards, recently appointed Ko Heung, former head of the Incheon District Prosecutors? Office, to lead its compliance management department following his resignation as Sampyo Cement & Energy?s outside director. Ko, who served as a member of the labor ministry?s task force on the Serious Accidents Punishment Act (SAPA) in January last year, joined the cement firm?s board in March of last year.

This came after an accident that killed three workers in January 2022 led Sampyo to become the first company to come under investigation for an alleged violation of the SAPA. Given that a significant number of fatal industrial accidents occur at shipyards, HD KSOE?s hiring of Ko is considered to counter potential legal proceedings stemming from violations of the SAPA. HD Hyundai has already tasked several former high-ranking prosecutors with serving as outside directors of its affiliates.

Sampyo also appointed Jo Jong-tae, former head of the Gwangju High Prosecutors? Office, as Ko?s successor, during an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders, June 18, 2024.