The Fifa Women's World Cup will not be staged in South Africa in 2027 after Safa decided to pull out from the running to host the global tournament.

Safa had filed a provisional bid to host the competition and now awaited a final guarantee from the cabinet ahead of the 8 December deadline to submit hosting interest.

But that commitment from the cabinet did not come, leaving the local football governing body with no choice but to withdraw their bid.

This is despite South Africa being credited for boasting of world-class football facilities that are a legacy of the 2010 men's World Cup staged by the country.

Safa has now shifted attention to hosting the 2031 tournament.

"It is quite unfortunate that we have to pull out of bidding for the 2027 Fifa Women's World Cup, but after doing an assessment and consulting extensively, the decision had to be made," said Safa chief executive officer Lydia Monyepao.

"We felt that it was better to present a well-prepared bid for the 2031 Fifa Women's World Cup and ensure we put our best foot forward, rather than producing a rushed presentation."

South Africa's quest to organise the 2027 tournament already faced a tough challenge from the joint USA and Mexico bid.

Germany, Brazil, Netherlands and Belgium are also interested in hosting the next edition of the Women's World Cup.

Safa head of women's football Romaney Pinnock echoed Monyepao's admission that they were ill-prepared to host the 2027 tournament.

"I am, of course, sad that we are bowing out of the exciting bidding process at this stage, but I feel that this is an opportunity to fully prepare ourselves for a robust 2031 bid," said Pinnock.

"Safa's Department of Women's Football has a large task underway as we implement our new strategy."

The decision by South Africa will leave Banyana Banyana participating in the World Cup qualifiers.

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