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Rompetrol Rafinare S.A.

Z1?Lt,;1.f·2016 An

Legal address: 215 Navodari blv., Nnvodari, Administrative Building, Constanta county Phone number: 0241/506150

Fax number: 0241/506930; 506901

Sequence number in the Trade Registry: J13/534/1991 Unique Identification Number: 1860712

Subscribed and paid capital: 4.410.920.572,6 RON

Regulated market on which the securities are traded: Bucharest Stock Exchange (market symbol RRC)

II ERRATA: This report corrects a material error In the Current Report registered with the company under no. 11689 of 23.12.2015,as follows:

- In the section named "Contracts concluded by ROMPETROL RAFlNARE S.A. as Suppller", under Item 18,column V,the amount of "486,849 EURO" ls amended with the accurate amount of "939,183 EURO", according to Add. 342/27.11,2015 to the Contrac 2015-RRC 1/30.12.2014, concluded with Kazmunayps Trading A.G••

II) Reporting of lenl documents concluded by Rom petrol Raflnare S.A. acc. to art. 225 of the Law no. 297/2004 on the capital market and art. 113letter G. of CNVM Regulation no. 1 /2006

Item no.

Person I entity with whom the Company concluded the legal act

Nature or the act end the conclusion date

Subject matter or the legal act

Total value or the legal act or its estimation

Guarantees constituted, penalties stipulated

Payment terms and methods

Contracts concluded by S.C. ROMPETROL RAFINARE S.A. as Beneficiary


Kazmunaygas Trading AG

Add 20/02.12.2015 - GOS_03428/22.12.2014 • RR3n9.I2.2014

Raw materials acquisitions

USD 6,782,844

Calculated in USD, based on I month Libor rate, published at ma1uri1y,plus 3% p.a.

3 businessdays after

completion of quotation tenn


Kazmunaygas Trading AG

Add 21/07.12.2015 • GOS_03428/22. 12.2014 -

l111rna ,., "'11.i

Raw materials acquisitions

USO 1,720,636

Calculalcd in USO, based on I month Libor rate, published at maturity, plus 3% p.a.

1 3 business days artc:r

completion of quotation



Kazmunaygas Trading AG

04500-RR-2015-12/PHY _13423 :Add

25_KMGT/006-2015_RR 5/30.12.2014

Raw materials acquisitions

USO 19,952.473

Payments within 90 calendar days (included) after the B/L (day zero) arc accepled for direct payments, in this case the Seller shall charge 1hc Buyer an interest at LIBOR rate (6 months)

+3.17% published by "British Banker's Association" at 11:00 AM, London time, for each calendar day applied as of the 31st day aflcr the date of the BIL (day zero); in case of payment delays, the Buyer shall pay penalties for each day of delay starting with the 91st day afler the date of lhe BIL (day zero) at LIBOR role (6 months) + 3.17% per annum, published by "British Banker's Association " at 11:00 AM, London time. The Bank charges for financing (including but not limited to UC,storage fees) shall be recharged by the Seller to the Buyer at a fixed cost of 1.6o/oo. The penalties rate shall be valid until full payment of

1he amount of the invoice for the delivered crude oil. Should the Buyer open a Holding Certificate and places it on lhe financing line of the Seller, the Buyer shall pay interest for

the period between the issuance of the certificate until run payment. The interest is based on

LIBOR rate ( I month) +1.92% p.a. published by "British Banker's Association". If the deliveries arc perfonncd by EX STOCK C-ta and/or Midia, under the financing line BNP Supplemental, the Buyer shall pay addilionally a country risk and processing fee of 2%p.a. the fee shall be calculated until the final payment to BNP. The bank charges for financing (including but not limited to UC,storage fees) shall be recharged by the Seller 10 the Buyer at a fixed cost of 1.6 o/oo. Financing through Credit Agricole: For vessels that use lhe Seller's financing line,for payments the Buyer shall pay inlercst +3,09% p.a. (45 days of payment from the seller to the supplier)

30 days after the date of BIL


Kazmunaygas Trading AG

04501-RR-2015-12/PHY_l3 434 = Add

26_KMGT/006-20 I 5_RR 5130.12.2014

Raw materials acquisitions

USD 19,588,752

Payments within 90 calendar days (included) after the BIL (day zero) arc accepted for direct payments, in this case the Seller shall charge the Buyer an interest at LIBOR rate (6 months)

+3.17% published by "British Banker's Association" at 11:00 AM, London time, for each calendar day applied as of the 31st day after the date of the B/L (day zero); in case of payment delays, the Buyer shall pay penalties for each day of delay staning with the 91st day after the dale of the BIL (day zero) at LIBOR rate (6 months) + 3.17% per annum, published by "British Banker's Association" at 11:00 AM, London time. The Bank charges for financing (including but not limited to UC,storage fees) shall be recharged by the Seller to the Buyer at a fixed cost of 1.6 o/oo. The penalties rate shall be valid until full payment of

the amount of the invoice for the delivered crude oil. Should the Buyer open a Holding Cenificate and places it on the financing line of the Seller, the Buyer shall pay interest for the period between the issuance of the certificate until full payment , The interest is based on LIBOR rate ( I month) + 1.92 p.a. published by "British Banker's Association". Ifthe deliveries are performed by EX STOCK C-ta and/or Midia, under the financing line BNP Supplemental, the Buyer shall pay additionally a country risk and processing fee of 2%p.a. the fee shall be calculated until the final payment to BNP. The bank charges for financing (including but not limited to UC,storage fees) shall be rccharg'd by the Seller to the Buyer at a fixed cost of 1.6 o/oo. Financing through Credit Agricole : For vessels that use the Seller's financing line, for payments the Buyer shall pay interest +3,09% p.a. (45 days of payment from the seller to the supplier)

30 days after the date of BIL


Kazmunaygas Trading AG

04502-RR-2015-12/PHY_l3444 = Add

27_KMGT/006- 20 I 5_RR 5/30.12.2014

Raw materials acquisitions

USD 19,221,009

Payments within 90 calendar days (included) after the BIL (day zero) arc accepted for direct payments, in this case the Seller shall charge the Buyer an interest at LIBOR rate (6 months)

+3.17% published by "British Banker's Association" at 11:00 AM, London time, for each calendar day applk'5, the Buyer shall pay penalties for each day of delay staning with the 91st day after the date of the B/L (day zero) at LIBOR rate (6 months) + 3.17% per annum, published by "British Banker's Association" at 11:00 AM, London time.

The Bank charges for financing (including but not limitt'tl to UC,storage fees) shall be n.'Charged by the Sellerto the Buyer at a fixed cost of 1.6 o/oo. The penalties rate shall be valid until full payment of the amount of the invoice for the delivered crude oil. Should the Buyer open a Holding Certificate and places ii on the financing line of the Seller, the Buyer shall pay interest for the period betwttm the issuance of the cenificate until full payment. The interest is based on LIBOR rate {I month) + 1.92% p.a. publisht'tl by "British Banker's Association". If the deliveries are performed by EX STOCK C-ta and/or Midia, under the financing line BNP Supplemental, the Buyer shall pay additionally a country risk and

processing fee of 2%p.a. the fee shall be calculated until the final payment to BNP. The bank charges for financing (including but not limited 10 UC,storage fees) shall be recharged by the Seller to the Buyer at a fixed cost of 1.6o/oo. Financing through Credit Agricole:For vessels that use the Seller' financing line, for payments the Buyer shall pay interest +3,09%

p.a. (45 days of payment from the seller to the supplier)

30 days after the dale of BIL


Kazmunaygas Trading AG

Add 23/29.12.2015 • GOS_03428122.J 2.2014 - RR3129.12.2014 (*)

Raw materials acquisitions

USD 217,615,000

Calculated in USD, based on one month Libor rate, published at maturity, plus 3% p.a.

3 business days after

completion of quotation term


Kazmunaygas Trading AG


Raw materials acquisitions

USD 884,175,627

In case of payment delays, the Buyer shall pay penalties for each day of delay starting with

the 31st day after the date of the BIL (day zero) at LIBOR rate (6 months) + 3.17% per annum, published by "ICE BENCHMARK ADMINISTRATION " at 11:00 AM, London time. The Seller issues the invoice for penalties to be paid by the Buyer within 5 business days after receipt. in case of delay in paying this invoice, the Buyer shall pay penalties for each day of delay at a rate equal to LIBOR (3months) + 2.00% p.a. published by "ICE BENCHMARK ADMINISTRATION " al 11:00 AM, London time, as of the date of payment delay for the delivered crude. Depending on the evolution of the financial markets the Seller can make amendments to be notified in writing to the Buyer, within 15 days.

Financing through "Credit Agricole":For vessels that use the Seller's financing line, the Buyer shall pay interest 3,38% p.a. (45 days of payment by the Seller to the Supplier). Depending on the evolution of the financial markets the Seller can make amendments 10 be notified in writing to the Buyer, within 15 days. Financing through "BNP PARIBAS": Version A) financing through SUPPLEMENTAL: For vessels delivered to Midia/C-ta for which the Seller's financing line is used, at 45 days after the date of BIL ( date of BIL = day zero) the amount is considered under the financing facility of BNP Supplemental. the Buyer shall pay 1.92% and the country risk commission of 2% p.a.This commission is calculated as of the date of entry under the financing facility until the dale of payment performed by the Buyer to BNP. The Bank charges for financing (including but not limited to L/C, storage fees) shall be recharged by the Seller to the Buyer at a filled cost of 1.6 oloo. Vcrsion B) financing vs Holding Certificate if for the vessels deliven.'

n Holding Certificate and places it on the financing line "BNP Paribas" of the Seller. the Buyer shall pay interest for the period between the issuance of the certificate until full payment. The interest is based on LIBOR rate ( I month) +1.92% p.a. published by "British Banker's Association". If the deliveries are performed by EX STOCK C-ta and/or Midia, under the financing line BNP Supplemental, the Buyer shall pay additionally a country risk and processing fee of 2%p.a. the fee shall be calculated until the final payment to BNP. The Bank charges for financing (including but not limited to L/C,storage foes) shall be

recharged by the Seller to the Buyer at a fi>1c.'.

30 days after the date of BIL


Uzina Tennoelcctrica Midia SA

Notice no. I 2/30.12.2015 to the Contract no. RR 2/29.12.2014

Utilities price change

The contract value for 2015 is of Lei 77,878,593

I year (calculated based on achieved amounts until December inclusively). The value of the contract includes also C02 certificates.

Charging delay penalties, calculated from the day following the due date until selllemenl of the principal debt (exclusive). The percentage of delay penalties is 0.05% per each day of delay.

Payment tenn - within 45 business days from the receipt of the invoice


Uzina Tennoclcctrica Midin SA

Addendum no.IO /30.10.2015 to the Contract no. RR I 129.12.2014

extension of contract validity

The contract value estimated for 2016 is of Lei 10,710,300/year; according to the Budget

The amount of delay penalties C.'.(Juals the interest applic.'.d for failure to pay at the due date the obligation to the stale budget.

Payment tenn: 30 business days from the receipt of the invoice



3 requests issued in DL'Ccmber, 2015 as per Contract RR 4/31.12.2012 and Addendum no.2112.2014


499.002 USD (VAT


The parties established a 12 calendar month period beginning with the date of lhe Act of

Acceptance or Act of Commissioning, hut no longer than 15 months from the date of Act of Acceptance given that the PIF is not postponed or blocked for reasons attributed 10 the Beneficiary, should the warranty period constitute 12 months and shall start from lhe dale of Act of Accepumce issue; The parties agreed upon the penalties for payment delays in amount of 0.06% per each day of delay from the outslanding amount; the value of lhe penalties shall not exceed lhe 3% from the due amount

Payment tenn .wilhin 30 days from the receipt of invoice


Rompetrol Quality Control S.R.L.

Analyses, respectively Analyses/projects issued in December, 2015 as per Contract RR 131 124.07.2006 and Addendum no.12-04.05.2015

service rendering

USO 390.200 (fara TVA)

Penalties of 0.06% per each day of delay calculated base on the ou1s1anding amount

Monthly payment, within 15 days from lhe invoice


Contracts concluded by S.C. ROMPETROL RAFINARE S.A. as Supplier

- -


Kazmunaygas Trading AG

Add.344/03.12.2015 Ctr 2015 RRC 1/30.12.2014

Sales of petroleum products

USO 2,093,019

Penallies for each day (payment due date vs actual payment dale), at LIBOR rate 3 months series + 2% per annum; demurrage days

I calendar day after B/L date, based on the provisional invoice, ti/compensation, senlemcnt within 3 days afler all quotation s lx'.Come known


Kazmunaygas Trading AG

Add.345/03.12.2015 Ctr 2015 RRC 1/30.12.2014

Sales of petroleum products

USD 3,443,826

Penalties for each day (payment due date vs actual payment date). at LIBOR rate 3 months series + 2% per annum;

8 business days after lhe date of 8/L, based on commercial invoice,



Kazmunaygas Trading AG

Add. 346/04.12.2015 - Ctr. 2015 - RRC 1/30.12.2014

Sales of petroleum products

EUR 739,717

Penalties for each day (paymenl due date vs actual payment dale), at LIBOR rate 3 months series + 2% per annum:

32 days after delivery, wire lransfer/compcnsation


Kazmunaygas Trading AG

Add. 347/08.12.2015 - Cir. 2015 - RRC 1/30.12.2014

Sales of petroleum producls

USD 2,021,916

Penalties for each day (paymenl due date vs aclual payment date), at LIBOR rnte 3 months series + 2% per annum; dcmurrage days

32 days after delivery, wire 1ransfcr/compcnsa1ion


Kazmunaygas Trading AG

Add. 348/ I 0.12.2015 - Ctr. 2015 RRC 1/30.12.2014

Sales of petroleum products

EUR 1.376.385

Penalties for each day (payment due date vs actual payment date), at LIBOR rate 3 months series + 2% per annum:

32 days after commercial invoice, wire transfer I compensation


Kazmunaygas Trading AG

Add. 349/1O.l 2.2015 - Ctr. 2015 RRC 1/30.12.2014

Sales of petroleum products

USO 1,994,010

Penallies for each day (payment due dale vs actual payment date), at LIBOR rate 3 months series + 2% per annum: demurrage days

22 calendar days after the dale of B/L, based on the commercial invoice, ti/compen sation

Rompetrol Rafinare SA issued this content on 2016-01-20 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 2016-01-20 18:58:22 UTC

Original Document: http://www.rompetrol-rafinare.ro/sites/default/files/upload_rap_curente/Rap_curente_en/RRC 20012016_Eng.pdf