RevoluGROUP Canada Inc. announced with deep regret that Bernard Lonis, the esteemed Chairman of the Board and Director, has officially stepped down from his roles with the Company, effective June 18, 2024 due to ongoing health concerns. Mr. Lonis initially stepped aside from his duties on May 1st, 2024, as he was admitted in hospital. Bernard Lonis has been an integral part of RevoluGROUP Canada Inc.'s growth and success over the past six years.

His visionary leadership and unwavering commitment have been instrumental in navigating the company through various milestones and achievements. Under his guidance, RevoluGROUP has seen significant advancements in the NEO Bank sector having obtained financial regulatory approvals in 27 EU countries, the United States of America, and Canada. The Board of Directors has commenced the process of identifying a suitable successor to ensure a seamless transition.