Resolution Minerals Ltd. announced that Dr. Paul Kitto has joined the Board as a Non-Executive Technical Director. Founding Director, Duncan Chessell, will transition from the role of Managing Director to Non-Executive Director to take up another executive role. Resolution will commence an executive search for a CEO shortly.

The board changes are undertaken at time when Resolution has firmly established itself on three significant projects, prospective for in demand commodities, gold and battery metals. The changes mark a positive stage in the evolution of Resolution. Dr. Paul Kitto has more than thirty years' experience in the mining industry and an impressive track including numerous multi-million ounce gold discoveries in Africa, Australia and Papua New Guinea.

Paul has extensive experience across a range of commodities and deposit types, predominantly associated with gold and base metals. Mr. Duncan Chessell co-founded Resolution and listed the Company in 2017 as Northern Cobalt. Duncan will transition to a Non-Executive Director role in early May to take up a CEO appointment with South Australian focused Copper Search.

Duncan will remain as a non-executive Director to ensure his in-depth project and corporate knowledge is available to the Company and a smooth transition is achieved.