Enochian BioSciences announced the formation of a Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) for one of its promising pipelines. Effective immediately, the Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Cure SAB will include: Carol Brosgart, MD, Chairperson of the SAB and member of the Enochian BioSciences Board of Directors and Clinical Professor of Medicine, Biostatistics and Epidemiology, University of California, San Francisco (UCSF); Peter Revill, PhD, Senior Medical Scientist, Victorian Diseases Reference Laboratory, Royal Melbourne Hospital, Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity, Melbourne, Australia; and Fabien Zoulim, MD, PhD, Clinical Professor of Medicine at Lyon University; Medical Director, Hepatology Department, Hospices Civils de Lyon; and Scientific Director, Department of Immunology and Virology, INSERM Unit 1052, France. Dr. Brosgart joined the Board of Directors of Enochian BioSciences in January, 2020. She is a leader in HBV, HIV and infectious diseases science and industry.Dr. Revill and Dr. Zoulim are internationally recognized leaders in HBV cure and treatment research. Dr. Zoulim has published more than 400 peer-reviewed papers, and heads the HBV Cure Task Force of ANRS, the French National Agency for Research on AIDS and Hepatitis, and an autonomous agency within INSERM. INSERM is a government funded agency aiming at improving health through progress in the knowledge of diseases, treatment innovation and public health research. INSERM supports research from bench to bedside and develops its research strategy to partnership with health authorities as well as public and private stakeholders. Dr. Revill’s work is focused on the molecular virology of HBV, particularly the mechanisms by which HBV causes liver cancer and the contribution of different HBV genotypes and variants to the striking differences in natural history, disease progression and treatment response observed globally. He is an internationally recognized expert in HBV virology, and is passionate about coordinating global efforts to fast track HBV cure. He is the Chair of the Governing Board of the International Coalition to Eliminate HBV (ICE-HBV), initiated in 2015 by Dr. Revill, Dr. Stephen Locarnini and Dr. Fabien Zoulim. He was the co-convenor of the International HBV Meeting held in Melbourne in October 2019, and was also instrumental in organizing the Melbourne Declaration for HBV cure.