Red Hat, Inc. announced that it is empowering enterprises to accelerate the performance of applications tied to large data sets, allowing enterprises to better adapt to the changing nature of business with the latest version of its in-memory data grid solution, Red Hat JBoss Data Grid 6.2. Many IT environments were designed before big data challenges become common. Managing massive data volumes and providing fast data access, high availability and elastic scalability in applications are considered to be essential for competitive modern applications. One of the major factors contributing to poor application performance lies in the inability of the traditional relational database to access, process, analyze and integrate data fast enough to meet business needs and customer expectations.

JBoss Data Grid helps overcome these challenges without requiring enterprises to invest in new data infrastructure by providing a complementary layer to the database. Data stored on this layer can be prioritized by type, access frequency, or other characteristics. With a data grid, businesses can process data faster and with lower latencies, removing the burden on traditional databases to provide scalable performance and meet uptime service level agreements (SLAs).

New features in version 6.2 include: Queries -- Queries are a powerful feature that enable users to easily search and find objects in the data grid based on properties or metadata without needing to know the assigned key for each object. High throughput file-based cache stores -- With two new file-based cache stores (SingleFileCacheStore and LevelDB-JNI), JBoss Data Grid offers greater speeds and scalability for high-write throughput and large data sets. Data interoperability -- Data interoperability enables an application to read data from the grid, without needing knowledge of how, or by which method, the data was written to the grid.

This interoperability applies across protocols, different languages under the same protocol, and deployment modes. New Hot Rod clients and security -- C++ applications can now access the data grid via a C++ Hot Rod client. Additionally, new security features include user authentication and encrypted communications over Hot Rod.

Rolling upgrades for REST -- Rolling upgrades over the REST protocol enable customers to better service their users, simplify operations and reduce the cost of management when migrating from one version of JBoss Data Grid to the next.