RCS MediaGroup Press Release The RCS Group will manage national print and on-line advertising sales for La Stampa and LaStampa.it

Milan, 7 January 2014 - RCS MediaGroup announces that as from 1 February 2014 national print and on-line advertising sales for the La Stampa newspaper and LaStampa.it will be managed by the RCS Group's advertising agency.

According to the agreement signed with Editrice La Stampa, national advertising sales for both the La Stampa newspaper and website are therefore entrusted to the agency managed by Raimondo Zanaboni, while local advertising sales will remain outside the perimeter of the commercial agreement and under the direct control of the commercial organisation of Publikompass. National advertising sales for the two media, in 2012, amounted to approx. 30 million euros.
For the RCS Group's advertising agency the plan for consolidation of national advertising sales continues. The agreement with Editrice La Stampa is, in fact, in addition to the contract signed in June
2013 with Poligrafici Editoriale - publisher of daily newspapers of the Monrif group (QN, Il Giorno, Il Resto del Carlino and La Nazione) - whose national advertising sales as from 1 September 2013 was entrusted to the commercial network of the RCS agency, and to the recent agreement for exclusive management as from 1 January 2014 of national print and web advertising sales for the Gazzetta del Sud, La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno, Giornale di Sicilia and La Sicilia. The agency managed by Zanaboni can therefore consolidate advertising sales with those for the newspapers historically managed by the RCS Group (Corriere della Sera, La Gazzetta dello Sport and L'Unione Sarda).
La Stampa and La Stampa.it have significant complementarity of target and territorial coverage compared to that of the publication portfolio of RCS MediaGroup. The agreement with Editrice La Stampa will contribute to strengthening the leadership of the advertising network managed by the RCS Group's agency, in terms of both net contacts generated, adult target (10,902,000) and male target (7,355,000, source Audipress 2013/2) as well as circulation: total copies of newspapers comprising the network will in fact reach 1,354,193 copies (source Ads, October 2013) and unique users on an average day of Corriere.it, Gazzetta.it, LaStampa.it and the websites of the brands recently included in the portfolio will reach 1,738,140 users (source Audiweb October 2013).
"The agreement with Editrice La Stampa confirms the leadership achieved by the RCS advertising agency

in daily newspapers in Italy, - said Raimondo Zanaboni, Advertising General Manager of the RCS Group

- interpreting in the best possible manner the concentration processes in progress in Italy, as well as in many other European countries. Our Group further consolidates its importance for advertisers, providing an unequalled off-line and on-line commercial platform".

For additional information:

RCS MediaGroup - Corporate Media Relations

Carlo Rossanigo - 02 2584 3103 - +39 3351883558 - carlo.rossanigo@rcs.it

Beatrice Minzioni - 02 2584 4810 - +39 366 9206986 - beatrice.minzioni@rcs.it


*** The RCS MediaGroup Advertising Department

The RCS Advertising Department, which sells advertising in Group media, offers a broad and articulated portfolio of printed publications, leaders in the various segments, as well as digital, web, mobile, tablet and TV channels. Through the two power brands Corriere della Sera and La Gazzetta dello Sport and the various Vertical Systems on specific targets - Male, Female, Youth, Family, Fashion and Design - the RCS Group offers its customers the opportunity to strengthen the dialogue with their targets, articulating advertising and communication activity on broad audiences with a multi-channel, multi-platform approach.

Via InProject, the unit dedicated to integrated communication projects, brand efficacy is developed beyond the physical and digital boundaries of the publication through events, local activities and special initiatives, while - with the support of Connecto - the possibility of direct marketing, digital PR & reputation initiatives is activated. With a widespread presence in Italy and abroad, the sales network of the RCS Advertising Department is specialised by product sector and advertising type. It is also supported by intensive communication and specialised marketing services activities, including in particular a Consumer Insight & Analytics structure, dedicated to user knowledge, in terms of interest and mode of fruition of media in the portfolio, and to measuring the effectiveness of communication campaigns and projects.

Thanks to agreements with other publishers, the RCS agency also manages on an exclusive basis national print advertising for Poligrafici Editoriale (QN, Il Giorno, Il Resto del Carlino and La Nazione) and national print and

web sales for the Gazzetta del Sud, La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno, Giornale di Sicilia and La Sicilia.

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