RCS MediaGroup - Poligrafici Editoriale Joint Press Release SPE, agency of Poligrafici Editoriale, is awarded local print and online advertising sales for the Bologna and Florence editions of Corriere della Sera

Milan, 9 January 2014 - Poligrafici Editoriale and the advertising agency of the RCS Group announce that from this January local advertising sales for the Bologna and Florence editions, also on-line, of Corriere della Sera are entrusted to the local networks of the SPE Società Pubblicità Editoriale S.p.A. agency.

Thanks to this agreement, which follows that of last June, which provided for exclusive management by the RCS Group's advertising agency of national print advertising sales for the newspapers published by Poligrafici Editoriale, QN Quotidiano Nazionale, Il Resto del Carlino, La Nazione and Il Giorno, starting from 1 September

2013, coverage of the advertising market in the areas concerned reaches levels of unquestionable leadership both in terms of copies sold and average daily readership. In fact, the total number of readers of Il Resto del Carlino and Corriere della Sera - Bologna edition - amount to 443,000 and those of La Nazione added to the Florence edition of Corriere della Sera to 250,000.

This agreement marks a new step in the commercial alliance between the two publishing groups and strengthens the positioning of the two agencies, thereby ensuring, thanks to production synergies, the proposal of strong commercial offers of certain interest to investors to the advertising market.

For additional information:

Poligrafici Editoriale Press Office

Stefania Dal Rio

Monrif Group Image and Communications Director office 051 6006075 mobile 348 7109919 relazioni.esterne@monrif.net

RCS MediaGroup S.p.A.

Maria Verdiana Tardi

Corporate Media Relations Manager

+39 02 25845412 - +39 347 7017627 verdiana.tardi@rcs.it - www.rcsmediagroup.itBeatrice Minzioni

Corporate Media Relations

+39 02 25844810 - +39 3669206986 beatrice.minzioni@rcs.it - www.rcsmediagroup.it

Poligrafici Editoriale

Monrif S.p.A., financial holding company controlled by the Monti Riffeser family, is present in the publishing sector with Poligrafici Editoriale S.p.A., in the hotel sector with the E.G.A. - Emiliana Grandi Alberghi Group - and in the Internet sector with MonrifNet.
Founded in 1954, SPE Società Pubblicità Editoriale is the advertising agency belonging to the Poligrafici Editoriale Group. The professionalism and efficiency of this structure were immediately made available also to external publications.
With QN, Il Resto del Carlino, La Nazione and Il Giorno, SPE operates in the most interesting Italian regions from the point of view of advertising planning, thanks to the very high levels of both household as well as per capita income and the high consumption propensity.

The RCS MediaGroup Advertising Department

The RCS Advertising Department, which sells advertising in Group media, offers a broad and articulated portfolio of printed publications, leaders in the various segments, as well as digital, web, mobile, tablet and TV channels. Through the two power brands Corriere della Sera and La Gazzetta dello Sport and the various Vertical Systems on specific targets - Male, Female, Youth, Family, Fashion and Design - the RCS Group offers its customers the opportunity to strengthen the dialogue with their targets, articulating advertising and communication activity on broad audiences with a multi-channel, multi-platform approach. Via InProject, the unit dedicated to integrated communication projects, brand efficacy is developed beyond the physical and digital boundaries of the publication through events, local activities and special initiatives, while - with the support of Connecto - the possibility of direct marketing, digital PR & reputation initiatives is activated. With a widespread presence in Italy and abroad, the sales network of the RCS Advertising Department is specialised by product sector and advertising type. It is also supported by intensive communication and specialised marketing services activities, including in particular a Consumer Insight & Analytics structure, dedicated to user knowledge, in terms of interest and mode of fruition of media in the portfolio, and to measuring the effectiveness of communication campaigns and projects.
Thanks to agreements with other publishers, the RCS agency also manages on an exclusive basis national print advertising for Poligrafici Editoriale (QN Quotidiano Nazionale, Il Giorno, Il Resto del Carlino and La Nazione) and national print and web sales for the Gazzetta del Sud, La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno, Giornale di Sicilia and La Sicilia.

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