Raytheon Company has delivered the 3000th Tomahawk Block IV missile to the U.S. Navy as part of its ninth Block IV full-rate fiscal 2012 production contract. The U.S. Navy continues to purchase Tomahawk missiles via the fiscal 2013 budget, and negotiations are ongoing for next year's production contract. The Block IV missile design was initiated as both a cost savings and a capability improvement effort.

Following successful recertification, the missile will be returned to service for another 15 years upon commencement of re-certifications in 2019. A major enhancement introduced with the Tomahawk Block IV missile includes a two-way satellite data-link that enables a strike controller to redirect the missile in-flight to preprogrammed alternate targets or more critical targets. Tomahawk is employed from both surface- and sub-surface platforms, and more than 2,000 have been expended in real-world operations.