Item 5.07 Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders.

On May 16, 2023, QuidelOrtho Corporation (the "Company") held its 2023 Annual
Meeting of Stockholders (the "Annual Meeting"). The following are the final
voting results on proposals considered and voted upon at the Annual Meeting, all
of which are described in the Company's Proxy Statement filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on April 5, 2023 (the "Proxy Statement").

Proposal No. 1

The Company's stockholders elected twelve individuals to the Company's Board of Directors (the "Board") as set forth below:

Name                                      Votes For                Votes Withheld               Broker Non-Votes
Douglas C. Bryant                        58,924,173                   399,126                      3,301,745
Kenneth F. Buechler, Ph.D.               55,726,811                  3,596,488                     3,301,745
Evelyn S. Dilsaver                       59,032,524                   290,775                      3,301,745
Edward L. Michael                        58,496,050                   827,249                      3,301,745
Mary Lake Polan, M.D., Ph.D.,
M.P.H.                                   57,681,077                  1,642,222                     3,301,745
Ann D. Rhoads                            58,096,675                  1,226,624                     3,301,745
Robert R. Schmidt                        58,381,087                   942,212                      3,301,745
Christopher M. Smith                     57,753,704                  1,569,595                     3,301,745
Matthew W. Strobeck, Ph.D.               59,037,340                   285,959                      3,301,745
Kenneth J. Widder, M.D.                  52,015,394                  7,307,905                     3,301,745
Joseph D. Wilkins Jr.                    56,753,894                  2,569,405                     3,301,745
Stephen H. Wise                          56,879,786                  2,443,513                     3,301,745

Proposal No. 2

The Company's stockholders approved, on an advisory basis, the compensation of the Company's named executive officers by the votes set forth in the table below:

Votes For Votes Against Abstentions Broker Non-Votes

 50,220,763      9,027,108         75,428          3,301,745

Proposal No. 3

The Company's stockholders voted, on an advisory basis, on the frequency of future advisory votes on the compensation of the Company's named executive officers as set forth below:

   1 Year      2 Years     3 Years    Abstentions     Broker Non-Votes
 58,797,385    66,530      428,739       30,645          3,301,745

In accordance with the voting results for this proposal, the Board has
determined that the Company will hold future stockholder advisory votes on the
compensation of the Company's named executive officers every year. The next
advisory vote on the frequency of future stockholder advisory votes on the
compensation of the Company's named executive officers will take place no later
than at the Company's 2029 annual meeting of stockholders.


Proposal No. 4

The Company's stockholders ratified the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as the
Company's independent registered public accounting firm for the Company's 2023
fiscal year by the votes set forth in the table below:

 Votes For     Votes Against    Abstentions
 61,369,315      1,237,000         18,729


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