Quantum Computing Inc. unveiled its QikStart Program. The program partners QCI with selected participants to accelerate the adoption of quantum computing for solving mission-critical problems for business. QikStart will provide access to QCI’s quantum acceleration platform, expert resources, and funding to explore and push the boundaries of quantum computing for delivering practical business results. QCI focuses on solving a set of some of the most complex computational problems, known as constrained optimization. Solutions to these problems optimize critical applications for business such as supply chain, logistics, drug discovery, cybersecurity, transportation and others. Quantum computing has the potential to solve some of the most intractable business problems in the coming years. However, businesses that are exploring the adoption of quantum computing must consider significant software development costs, access to expensive quantum-skilled resources, and other shifts associated with an entirely new computing paradigm. QCI is now empowering businesses to take advantage of affordable, practical business solutions with its quantum acceleration platform, which gives non-quantum experts access to the power of quantum techniques with no need for specialized training. The platform extends current computing investments with quantum-ready applications that can be applied to enhance the quality and performance of today’s classic computing systems, with no new programming. Participants will have the opportunity to collaborate directly with QCI’s industry partners, major universities and others. This expanded access to valuable quantum resources and experts in the fields of science, mathematics, security, technology, and business processes will serve to further accelerate quantum endeavors.