On August 26, 2016, Prominvestbank dismissed Serhii Vasiliyev as the chairman of the supervisory board and appointed Artem Dovlatov to the post. Serhii Vasiliyev had been the chairman of the supervisory board of Prominvestbank for four months. Dovlatov has served as Vice President of VTB, senior managing director at Sberbank, adviser for the board chairman at Vneshekonombank. The company also dismissed from the supervisory board Oleksandr Zelenov, Serhii Karnaukh, Halyna Kukhorenko. Newly appointed members of the supervisory board include Anton Perin (advisor for the head of Vneshekonombank), Heorhii Burtsev (first deputy head of the staff at Vneshekonombank), Oleksandr Buria (director of the risk management department at Vneshekonombank), Yevhen Cherepovych (executive director at BPS-Sberbank Belarus).