PT. PP London Sumatra Tbk.

PT PP London Sumatra Indonesia Tbk


Lonsum Shareholders Approved All Resolutions Proposed in the AGM and EGM

Jakarta, 5 May 2015 - PT PP London Sumatra Indonesia Tbk ("Lonsum" or "the Company") today held the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders ("AGM") and Extra Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders ("EGM") and obtained the approval for all the proposed resolutions.
In the AGM, the shareholders approved among others:

The Board of Directors' Report on the activities and financial results of the Company for the year ended December 31,


Dividend payout of Rp53 per share with Cum Dividend for Regular and Negotiation Market on May 12, 2015 and payment date on June 5, 2015.

The resignation of Mr. Franciscus Welirang as a President Commisioner of the Company, Mr. Hans Ryan Aditio as the Commisioner of the Company, Mr. Tengku Alwin Azis as an Independent Commissioner, and Mr. Tjhie Tje Fie (Thomas Tjhie) as the Director of the Company effective as of the end of the AGM, with appreciation and gratitude for his valuable contribution and services to the Company.

The appointment of Mr. Moleonoto (Paulus Moleonoto) who currently serve as a Vice President Director I as the new President Commissioner of the Company and appoint Mr. Tan Agustinus Dermawan as the Vice President Director I of the Company until the closing of the Company's AGM in 2016.

Subsequent to the appointments, the composition of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors of the Company are as follows:

Board of Commissioners

President Commissioner : Moleonoto (Paulus Moleonoto) Commissioner : Axton Salim
Commissioner : Werianty Setiawan Commissioner : Hendra Widjaja Independent Commissioner : Edy Sugito Independent Commissioner : Monang Silalahi

Board of Directors

President Director : Benny (Benny Tjoeng) Vice President Director I : Tan Agustinus Dermawan Vice President Director II : Tio Eddy Hariyanto Director : Mark Julian Wakeford Director : Joefly Joesoef Bahroeny
The Company also conducted EGM where shareholders approved the amendment of All Company's Articles of Association, in
compliance with the Financial Service Authority (OJK) regulations.
Benny Tjoeng, the President Director of Lonsum said: "We would like to say our greatest gratitude to all of our shareholders who provides all the support to Lonsum. We believe that with your continuing support will encourage us to achieve more in the future."

For further information, please contact: Prudential Tower 15th Floor - Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 79, Jakarta 12910, Indonesia. Tel.(62-21) 5795 7718 Fax.(62-21) 5795 7719

PT PP London Sumatra Indonesia Tbk


About PT PP London Sumatra Indonesia Tbk

PT PP London Sumatra Indonesia Tbk ("Lonsum") (IDX: LSIP) is a leading oil palm plantation company in Indonesia.
Lonsum was established in 1906, and is one of Indonesia's oldest and largest publicly-listed plantation companies. It operates company-owned estates and plasma estates across North and South Sumatra, East Kalimantan, Java and Sulawesi covering mainly oil palm and rubber.
Lonsum has added its certified sustainable palm oil (CSPO) from around 170,000 MT to around 195,000 MT after receiving its Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oils (RSPO) certification for the three of its estates and one of its palm oil mills in South Sumatra. Previously in 2009, Lonsum has already certified all of its North Sumatra plantations and mills.

For further information, please contact: Prudential Tower 15th Floor - Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 79, Jakarta 12910, Indonesia. Tel.(62-21) 5795 7718 Fax.(62-21) 5795 7719

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