Progress announced the R1 2022 release of Progress Telerik and Progress Kendo UI, the most powerful .NET and JavaScript UI libraries for app development available. With this release, Progress is continuing its commitment to developer productivity with a variety of new and updated components and framework support to enable developers to bring modern, apps to market faster than ever before. With the latest Developer Tools release, Progress is delivering powerful new UI components and advanced features for .NET and JavaScript.

It continues to lead the market with the largest truly native UI component suites for Blazor, Angular and React. The release also includes REPL Playgrounds for Blazor and ASP.NET Core enabling developers to write, run, save and share code snippets in the browser, and support for .NET 6 and Visual Studio 2022 across all Telerik UI tools. In addition, Progress is simplifying the collaboration between developers and designers by expanding its design kits for Figma with new components, and adding theme improvements to its .NET and JavaScript libraries.

Progress Telerik UI for Blazor now has more than 90 truly native components with the addition of Map, Heatmap, File Select, QR Code, Color Picker, Color Gradient, Flat Color Picker and Dialog. The robust Data Grid now includes additional customization options when exporting data to Excel, enhanced built-in editing for large grids and multiple validation modes. REPL Playgrounds for Blazor and ASP.NET Core, the newly introduced browser-based tools for Blazor and ASP.NET Core, enable developers to write, run, save and share code snippets without any additional setup.

Progress® Telerik® UI for WinUI and Progress® Telerik® UI for .NET MAUI are now the largest libraries for their respective frameworks. Telerik UI for WinUI adds the Buttons component. Telerik UI for .NET MAUI offers 13 new components, including new ListView, MaskedEntry, and TabView, along with a new sample application for cryptocurrencies.

Progress delivers support for .NET 6 and Visual Studio 2022. NET 6 is supported across all relevant Telerik UI libraries and tools: Telerik UI for Blazor, Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core, Telerik UI for WinUI, Telerik UI for WPF, Telerik UI for WinForms, Telerik UI for MAUI, Telerik Reporting, Telerik JustMock, Telerik Test Studio Dev Edition, Telerik Document Processing. All Telerik products with the exception of Telerik Test Studio Dev Edition support Visual Studio 2022.

With this release, Progress brings more than 25 new components across its Kendo UI JavaScript libraries, theme improvements, support for Angular 13 and now offers the largest native UI libraries for Angular and React. Kendo UI® for Angular features a Filter component for building complex data queries. Also included are Popover, Barcode, QR Code components, theme improvements and multiple user experience enhancements.

KendoReact™ adds new components like FlatColorPicker, Drag & Drop Utilities, ExpansionPanel and more. The PivotGrid has been updated to able to load local data and many other components have been enhanced. Kendo UI for Vue provides 15 new truly native components for Vue, including Filter, Toolbar, Menu, Gauge, Loader, Editor, Drawer, Stepper, DateRangePicker, Switch, TextArea, Tooltip and more.

Kendo UI for jQuery includes a new and improved PivotGrid and an Avatar component, plus a new sample application.