Precipio, Inc. announced it is collaborating with the cytogenetics laboratory at the University of Pennsylvania to conduct an external validation and evaluation of IV-Cell, Precipio's cytogenetics media. Validation by an external laboratory represents the first step in bringing this product to market. The completion of this study is expected to provide strong, independent evidence of its performance, and will serve as an important tool during discussions with the leading manufacturers to acquire this technology. The study will be conducted over a period of approximately six to eight weeks and will include the testing of over 50 clinical specimens. During the study, the Penn team will do a side-by-side comparison between their current culture media, and Precipio's media. The study will evaluate two key elements of Precipio's media. First, its ability to enable laboratory technicians to culture multiple cell lineages simultaneously compared to their existing media that requires the laboratory to select up-front the target cell lineage; once that cell lineage is selected, it cannot be changed. The ability to culture multiple cell lineages using IV-Cell represents a significant advantage that can provide the laboratory with a more complete picture of the patient specimen, and can ultimately lead to a more accurate diagnosis. The second advantage, is a significantly higher resolution of the chromosomal bands that are created during the process. This increases the cytogeneticists' ability to correctly identify any abnormalities that may be present, resulting in a more accurate diagnosis.