Powermatic Data Systems Limited announced that Mr. Cheng Heng Tan ("Mr Cheng"), who will be retiring by rotation pursuant to Regulation 103 of the Constitution of the Company at the 35th Annual General Meeting to be held on 25 July 2024 ("AGM"), is not seeking for re-election and will be retiring at the conclusion of the AGM. Mr. Cheng will, upon retirement as Non-Executive Independent Director at the conclusion of the AGM, relinquish as a Member of the Audit and Risk Management Committee, Nominating Committee and Remuneration Committee. Other Director Ships Past: October 2016 to 2019 - Omakase (Partners) Pte.

Ltd., Executive Director March 2009 to 2019 - Walton Heng Investments Pte. Ltd., Executive Director July 2016 to January 2023 - Omakase IT Pte. Ltd., Executive Director (Voluntary Struck-Off) July 2016 to January 2023 - Omakase Facilities Pte Ltd, Executive Director (Voluntary Struck-Off) September 2013 to February 2024 - Omakase Burger (Orchard) Pte.

Ltd., Executive Director (Voluntary Struck off). Other Director Ships Present: February 2012 to Present - Omakase Burger Pte. Ltd., Executive Director April 2016 to Present - Omakase Pte.

Ltd., Executive Director November 2017 to Present - Sasseur Real Estate Investment Trust, Independent Director.