Planet Based Foods Global Inc. announced that the Company's products will now be available for purchase at Ralph's stores throughout Southern California. The Company will persist in unlocking the full potential of the critical constituent of Planet Based Foods - Hemp. This ingredient not only enriches the soil in which it is cultivated but also thrives with minimal aquatic requirements.

In addition, its inclusion in crop rotations adds to the soil's well-being. At the same time, the bioproducts derived from it are ecologically sound, readily decomposable, and can be composted or disposed of in landfills. Free from harmful substances and biodegradable, hemp-based products are sustainable and renewable.

In an era where zero waste is imperative, every aspect of industrial hemp is utilitarian and bereft of toxins. As society gravitates towards greater environmental awareness, companies prioritizing ESG initiatives, such as Planet Based Foods, will soon be at the vanguard of consumer preferences.