MILAN (Reuters) - In an announcement to be published tomorrow in a daily newspaper, Pirelli's Chinese shareholders announce the termination of the shareholders' agreement between Silk Road Fund and China National Tire & Rubber Corporation, which expired last Sept. 29.

Sinochem has a separate governance agreement with investor Camfin, the vehicle headed by Marco Tronchetti Provera, at the helm of Pirelli since 1992 currently serving as executive vice chairman.

Earlier this year, the government used so-called "golden power" legislation, which protects key national assets, to impose prescriptions on the proposed renewal of the governance pact between Sinochem and Camfin.

Rome's intervention strengthened Camfin's influence over Pirelli, despite holding a limited stake of 14.1 percent of the capital.

(Giulio Piovaccari, translated by Giancarlo Navach, editing Stefano Bernabei)