Public Joint-Stock Company Pharmacy Chain 36.6 (MISX:APTK) (Pharmacy Chain 36.6) plans to sell its wholesale distribution subsidiary LLC GDP, the company said in a statement late on November 5, 2020. “Pharmacy Chain 36.6 announced its intent to sell distribution division LLC GDP, a 100% subsidiary of the company that develops the segment of state procurement of medicines and medical equipment. This decision will allow the company to focus on pharmacy retail in continuation of the development strategy," the company said. Former Chief Executive Officer of the chain Vladimir Nesterenko is a potential buyer of GDP. The shareholders of Pharmacy Chain 36.6 will consider the deal at a general meeting until the end of 2020. “The board of directors thinks that a merger of the wholesale and retail segments in a single company is currently unreasonable, it may reduce the efficiency of operations," the company said quoting Chairman of the Board of Directors Oksana Tarasova.