PRESS RELEASE The Board of Directors assesses the compliance with the independence requirements of the Directors and establishes the Committees. Appointed the Chief Executive Officer.

Parmalat S.p.A. announces that, today, after the Shareholders' meeting, the new Board has met for the first time.
The Board has assessed the compliance with the independence requirements (in accordance with the Code of Conduct of Borsa Italiana, art. 147 ter, paragraph 4, of the Legislative Decree n.
58/1998 and art. 12 of the By-laws) of the Directors who have declared to be independent as candidates (Francesco Tatò, Marco Reboa, Riccardo Zingales, Marco Jesi, Gabriella Chersicla, Umberto Mosetti e Antonio Aristide Mastrangelo) confirming the assessment made by the same directors.
The Board of Directors has also appointed Mr. Yvon Guerin as Chief Executive Officer.
The Board, also, has approved the establishment of the Committees. In particular, for the "Internal Control, Risk Control and Corporate Governance Committee" have been elected the following members: Marco Reboa (independent), Chairman, Riccardo Zingales (independent), Gabriella Chersicla (independent) and Antonio Aristide Mastrangelo (independent).
For the "Nominations and Compensation Committee" have been elected the following members: Marco Jesi (independent), Chairman, Riccardo Zingales (independent) and Umberto Mosetti (independent). For the "Litigation Committee" have been elected the following members: Francesco Tatò (independent), Chairman, Antonio Sala and Gabriella Chersicla (independent).
The Board has finally appointed the Supervisory Board, pursuant to the Legislative Decree
231/2011, with the following members Andrea Lionzo, Alternate Statutory Auditor, Roberto Cravero, Statutory Auditor and Francesco Albieri in charge for Internal Audit of the Parmalat Group.
The Board has approved the rules governing the Committee and the Supervisory Board.
Parma, May 31st, 2012
Parmalat S.p.A.

Corporate Contacts:


Parmalat Spa Sede: Via delle Nazioni Unite, 4 - 43044 Collecchio (Parma) Italia Tel.+39.0521.8081 Fax +39.0521.808322

Cap. Soc. € 1.757.481.627 i.v. R.E.A. Parma n. 228069 Reg. Imprese Parma n. 04030970968 Cod. Fisc. e P. IVA n. 04030970968

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