Papyrus Australia Limited announced that Mr. Edward Byrt has retired as chairman of the Company and Mr. Al Jawhari (an experienced international business executive) has been appointed as his replacement. Mr. Byrt remains a non-executive director of the Company. The appointment of Mr. Jawhari as Executive Chairman reflects the progression of the Company from research and development activities to product development and commercialisation and the need for the Chairman to take an increasing role as the Company transitions into marketing its technology internationally.

Mr. Al Jawhari An internationally recognised business leader, Al Jawhari is an entrepreneur, innovator and technology commercialisation expert with more than 25+ years of C-level experience. His global experience spans through Defence Manufacturing, Retail, Agriculture, Food & Wine, e-commerce and software Platforms development. Al is currently the Co-Founder and Group Chief Executive Officer for Starke-AMG, Co-Founder for Innovate Inn, Co-Founder for Jewel Creek Farm, Vice President - Board Director and South Australia Chair for Australia Arab Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Advisory Board, Centre for Enterprise Dynamics in Global Economies UNISA Industry Advisory Member for Australian Institute of Business and Australia-NA Managing Partner for SeedForum Global.

Al is a member of AIAA, AICD, Block Chain Council, Paul Harris Fellow in Rotary International and holds both US and Australian Patents in VR, Products Traceability, Anti Counterfeit platform/devices and Blockchain. Mr. Byrt, has being Chairman of the Company from 2009 to the present time. During that period, he has overseen the establishment of PPYEg (the joint venture company between PPY and EBFC in Egypt) and in particular guided the group through the GFC, the challenging governance issues that occurred in Egypt post 2011, the ongoing development of the intellectual property and oversaw the Company's financial requirements during his tenure.