Pacific Green Technologies Inc. announced the appointment of Richard Oliver as Chief Financial Officer, a new position at the company, effective May 24, 2019. Prior to the start of Mr. Oliver's employment, the company's CEO Neil Carmichael has served as Principal Financial Officer and Principal Accounting Officer, which roles will be assumed by Mr. Oliver. Richard is a finance professional with 33 years' of financial accounting, auditing and management experience in manufacturing, fabrication and inventory management; fields that are highly complementary to his new role at Pacific Green.

He joins Pacific Green from Munro Building Services, where he served as Head of Finance. He progressed from financial accountant to financial controller and then to head of finance at successive UK manufacturing companies including Evans Universal (incinerator fabrication, including flue gas treatment); Demaglass (glass manufacturing); and Muntons and G's Fresh (food manufacturing), prior to joining Munro.