Oriana Power Ltd. announced that have secured an order for a 25 MWp Captive Solar Power Plant under the Group Net Metering (GNM) Policy in Delhi. This prestigious project marks several significant milestones for company and the industry at large. Innovative Infrastructure: Underground Cabling up to 10km Including RoW: project includes the construction of a 10 km underground transmission line(double circuit), demonstrating capability to undertake large-scale infrastructure projects.

66 kV Substation: The establishment of a 66 kV substation will cater to three GNM users, ensuring efficient power distribution and management. Bay extension at Substation end Special Raised Structure with Walkways for Agro Photovoltaic Arrangements: Raised Structure for Farming: solar panels will be installed on raised structures with walkways for cleaning, allowing for clear and uninterrupted farming activities underneath. This design ensures optimal land use and agricultural productivity.

Unique Integration: This project is set to become the largest Agro Photovoltaic installation in India, combining solar power generation with large-scale farming. Land Utilization: Despite the scarcity of land in Delhi, have successfully acquired the necessary land and will utilize it to its maximum potential by integrating agriculture with solar power generation. Boosting Two Industries: This innovative approach synchronizes the renewable energy and agricultural industries, providing dual benefits of energy and food production.

3. Urban Decarbonization: Supporting Real Estate Developers: project supports one of the largest real estate developers in their journey towards decarbonization, playing a crucial role in reducing urban carbon footprints. Tackling Urban Challenges: Urban decarbonization is one of the biggest challenges of time, and Oriana Power is leading the charge by taking tangible steps towards execution and implementation. Exemplary Execution Capabilities: Pioneering Project: This project is the single largest GNM initiative in India and the first of its kind in Delhi, a region known for its land constraints.

Scope: While the scope is bigger than regular solar project due to the raised structures, walkways, underground cabling, substation development etc, this project is justified by the efficient land use and the dual benefits of energy and agricultural production. This project can serve as a model for future developments in land-scarce regions. Regulatory Approvals and Longevity: will secure all necessary regulatory approvals and are committed to the operation and maintenance of this project for the years to come, ensuring its long-term success and sustainability.

Future-Ready Solutions: understand that the key to success lies in better preparing for the future. This project showcases ability to execute complex projects and underscores commitment to sustainable development. 5. Benefits of Agro Photovoltaic Systems: Resource Efficiency: Agro photovoltaic systems allow for dual use of land, producing both energy and crops, thereby maximizing land efficiency.

Economic Resilience: By integrating farming with solar power, provide farmers with an additional revenue stream and enhance economic resilience. Environmental Sustainability: These systems contribute to sustainable farming practices and reduce the overall carbon footprint.